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Demon Possessed Music Producer Explains How it Feels to Have a Demon

K STONE • Dec 10, 2023

[UPDATE/Added 8/2/2024 As my memory is coming back to me, I have been under Monarch Mind Control, while Derren Brown and the government have had me hypnotised and tortured. They do not want the public to know that they hypnotised and tortured me.]

A demon affected my mind. This is a first hand understanding of how a demon can affect your mind.

I wrote this post with the demon on my brain. It was there as I typed. This is so you can get a real understanding of what was happening.

[UPDATE/Added 8/2/2024 - This demon, hypnosis and black magic was used on me while the documented Government controlled Monarch Mind Control was being done to me also.]

On Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd December (I can't remember which day) I was sent another psychic demonic attack.

Prior to this day I stayed in my home for 4 days and didn't leave. My mind had been under a number of attacks before then. After the 4 days my mind was clear and I was able to focus properly again. I was mainly reading the Bible, and listening to gospel music and other music that was of a positive nature.

I will now share in parts my experience.

Part 1 - The Day The Demon Came

On the day the demon came I was in my car. When starting the car the music system should have began playing my USB that has got just gospel music on it but it was switched to a radio station called Heart.

I say switched to this station because I became aware that my car had been tampered with to be manipulated by some source elsewhere. The car media system function has been manipulated for over a year.

Instead of changing to the USB I decided to list to what “they” wanted me to listen to on Heart.

A couple of songs came on. Then I heard a song by Lewis Capaldi. I don't know the name of it. I said to myself,

“Almost every time I listen to the radio station called Heart they put this song on so many times that it is ridiculous.”

As the song finished I felt something happening to my brain. Then for some unknown reason a load of curse words were flying through my brain and I began to mumble out curse words. I caught myself and wondered what was happening as I hadn't cursed (to my knowledge) for the last 4 days.

Then it was made known to me that this was a parasite demon that was programmed to be sent to my brain to affect my thoughts, words and behaviour.

I was thinking,

“God, why has this happened as I got rid of all these demons with being shut in at home for the last 4 days?”

Then I heard the spirit say that God allowed it in to come back so I could study it and understand it. The people who sent it to trouble me must be regretting sending it to me now as it is being used to benefit me and also the readers.

Part 2 - What The Demon Does

This part will be updated every time I remember what happened to me.

As I was aware of this parasite demon being on my brain I will tell you the affects that it has had on me now and previously.

1.It gives me a sensation that I am slightly drunk. I feel the drunkenness in my brain.

2. Extreme Tiredness. It causes unusual drowsiness to try to stop me from writing or being functional. It makes me want to sleep all the time.

3. It triggers me to think to have abnormal violent intentions.

4. It causes confusion in my thoughts and causes contradictions within seconds of me speaking or thinking.

5. Not remembering faces. It makes me feel like I haven't spoken to a specific person before even though I have. (I remember afterwards that I have spoken to that person before. I remember afterwards, maybe a day or so or longer, of people that were around me. I believe that I was hypnotized to look a fool not to recognize people who I have seen on the TV or on my phone until afterwards).

6. Sometimes not being able to comprehend what a person is saying right in front of me.

7. Causes cursing and swearing to come out randomly even though I have nothing to curse or swear about.

8. It is also a monitoring spirit, or a monitoring spirit comes with it, that sends information to whoever sent it to monitor my thoughts, mind, plans and ideas. It would tell me where to go e.g. Guildford Castle, McDonald's etc. When I realised my thoughts were not my own I began to rebel and stay at home more.

9. Random annoying pains in different parts of my brain.

10. Random long tone in the ear.

11. Lack of common sense judgment.

12. It affects the part of the brain to diminish normal sustainable stamina during sex or foreplay.

13. It is there to hinder my gift of enhanced insight that I usually pick up on straight away. It has caused delays in my thinking and possibly made me miss simple signs.


14. The person who sent the demon wants me to look dumb and a fool for the purpose of destroying my name, purpose, character and reputation. They also maybe testing my abilities and trying to destroy them because I haven't joined their group.

15. A demon or the use of black magic or voodoo was used to squash my brain over and over in the same way as you have a sponge ball in your hand and you keep squeezing it. This made me scream in agony at times and made my head shake like a mentally ill person. Sounds, with no clear words, would come out of my mouth as I was in pain. After the squeezing trauma my brain would hurt, then some time later, they would squeeze my brain again.

16. Updated/Added (23 1 2024)The use of a love spell or demon energy sent to make me feel strong sexual desire for a female celebrity that I am not thinking about. The woman would be made known to me. The name of the woman would come to my brain at the same time either her or an energy representing her would forcefully be passionately kissing my lips with a flood of a powerful sense of love in my body and hers. It never felt like lust. It felt like a deep love she has for me on how much love she wanted me to love her. This happened with more than one female celebrity that I was not previously attracted to but a wave of love for them individually at different times would come.

17. Updated/Added (23 1 2024). As the demon was freshly put on the front part of my brain it caused some strange thing to happen to my vision when watching a video on twitter of Obama. It was a trigger message and it blurred up my vision and gave me strange head pains that messed with my thinking and vision. Even now as I just thought of Obama as I typed this, a weird pain stretched across my forehead and down the sides of my head. I thought the parasite had gone by now as of this date but when I thought of Obama it is back putting pressure on my head like you would not believe. I do not want anything to do with Obama. I don't want to speak to him or see him.

18. Updated/Added (27 1 2024) One of the demons that covered my forehead also blocked me out from seeing things with my third eye most of the time. The weirdest thing is, it felt like someone was doing an operation on my third eye and they bent it over so I could not use it to see. It was as if it had an eyelid and they pulled down the eyelid to stop me from seeing. They have been trying everything to stop me using my gifts.

19. Updated/Added (27 1 2024) The demon or hypnosis can at times FORCEFULLY make me speak when I don't want to. Something is done to that part of the brain for me to speak even when I am trying so hard not to say nothing.

20. Updated/Added (27 1 2024) The demon, or me being under hypnosis, can make me forget things that I should know or what I have said. This can make me deny I said what I said while others heard me say it, making me out to be a liar. In one of Derren Brown's TV shows, he has done this with passengers on a tube train in London. He made them forget things and made one passenger forget what station he was supposed to get off at.

21. Updated/Added (29 1 2024) One day when I spiritually put a protective iron dome around my brain, I felt a small “demon” hit the outside of my protective dome. It hit and exploded on the outside of my brain and did not get in but gave me a pain in that area of my head. I wondered what that was. It was made known to me at that moment that it was a homosexual demon that someone had cast to put a seed into my brain to turn me into a homosexual. (That will never happen). It was fascinating to know that is how they must turn some straight men gay if they don't have their kingdom (brain) protected.

22. Updated/Added (29 1 2024) Vocal demons who talked to my brain to speak bad of me and put me down were also sent. I found out a humorous way on how to stop them from speaking. That is to insult them. They don't like being insulted. It's funny. They shut up. Tell them to shut up and tell them nobody likes them, and what I found out is that they stopped talking for a long while. 

23. Updated/Added (31 1 2024) A demon or hypnosis can multiply energy greatly for sexual arousal so strong and so constant that almost all the time of the day I'll be aroused in my home. Not so much when out of the home unless it is triggered by “them.” It's like they would send a strong frequency to pound my sacral chakra so pleasurably stimulating that it is unfair to me whether I'm in or out of the home. The instillation of 5G in many places makes it worse as 5G can manipulate people or objects to do all sorts of things.

24. Updated/Added (7/2/2024) Demon possession or sleep mind control. For many years I would dream every now and then of living in this hotel. It would be the same hotel. In 2023 I finally managed to check out of that hotel that I saw in my dreams. Not long after in 2023 I had another dream that I checked into another hotel. I would see this same hotel in dreams throughout the year. I do believe the song Hotel California is about a hotel that you cannot leave. It could be a mind control tactic used by a Monarch Mind Control program. A way of escape was when one day I said, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run in and are safe. I am inside the strong tower.” As I said that I heard someone in the spirit world say “Noooo.” I see it as I escaped from the sleep mind controlled hotel that they created and I went to safety in the tower, the name of the Lord.

25. Updated/Added (7/2/2024) The people who control the demon, black magic or the hypnosis can one day torment me and traumatize me to tears and then the very next day control my brain to be happy and even sing and dance. This can make me look like a liar when I have said I want all the filming and evil against me to end.

26. Updated/Added (7/2/2024) The Monarch Mind Controlled demon made me have a far higher than normal sexual arousal and appetite to view sites that would display nude women. Sexual energy is one in the same as creative energy if you use this frequency to create music, writing, art or anything with it.

27. Updated/Added (7/2/2024) At one point earlier on in 2022 when I realized that I was being filmed without my permission inside my home, they input a thought in a part of my mind with hypnosis or a demon. Their desire was for me to “stab someone repeatedly in the chest and cut off their head.” I shook out of that weird hypnosis trance as I in no way am a person to harm any random person. When I managed to shake that mind control program off I was in shock and instantly said to myself, “This is maybe what the government or a hypnotist done to the black man who killed Lee Drummer Rigby.” It was the same as what they wanted me to do. I believe he was mind controlled and had his mind overpowered to kill. Then I wondered how many times have hypnotists like Derren Brown or the Government mind controlled innocent people to carry out acts of violence, murder, rape etc against their own will or knowledge.

28. Updated/Added (7/2/2024) As continuing from the same as #27 some song lyrics have just come to my mind. As it was music that got this demon to come into my brain, music can influence any type of emotion while listening to it.

Lyrics that came to my mind were in the track “Monster” by Nicki Minaj, Kanye and Jay Z. Some of Jay Z's lyrics are:

”Nonsense, none of you ni***s know where the swamp is

None of you ni***s have seen the carnage that I've seen

I still hear fiends scream in my dreams

Murder, murder in black convertibles,

I Kill a block, I murder the avenues,

I Rape and pillage your village, women and children.

I smell a massacre

Seems to be the only way to back you bastards up.”

29. Updated/Added (8/2/2024) The monitoring demon that they put in my mind can inform the programmer, who is someone like Derren Brown or the government, to go into my brain and know my plans that I have today or days from now. The monitoring spirit informs someone like Derren Brown or the government. For example. If I had a thought that I was going to play darts soon they would know. They would then claim to be the ones putting suggestive thoughts on TV or in videos to then “make me play darts” and it would look like they made me play darts when they didn't. I was going to play darts anyway. They can go into any of the public's mind and know your plans and set up people to be where you are going to be. So when you think that a friend has set you up and you blame them, it's highly likely not them. Your thoughts are accessed far easier now that 5G exists. The programmer like Derren Brown did not create suggestive thoughts for me to play darts. He knew I was going to play darts but it makes it look like he influenced me to play darts. Today I've come to truly believe that the technology is here that they can read your mind, steal your ideas, know your plans or set you up.

30. Updated/Added (8/2/2024) As of this date, I realised they have gone into my brain again. For no reason at all I started repeating the words “Derren Brown is a Cu**t.” They have accessed my brain again so don't blame me for any negative words I say. What is being done to me is evil. It is also an education of how the enemy works.

31. Updated/Added (9/2/2024) Another thing they done throughout 2023 was to place the same mentally unstable man almost everywhere I go. Then I was telepathically told that this is how they (the mind control programmers) said I am going to end up. His behaviour is similar to Mr Beans behaviour but worse. If people have said I behave like Mr Bean, that is not how I normally am. I believe over a period of time due to their mind control manipulation and continually placing this mentally unstable man where I would go, and them traumatizing me at the same time, I feel as though my behaviour has become like his. Paranoid, unstable, suspicious, anxious and making sounds like Mr Bean. This is part of the repetition part of the mind control so I become like this lost individual. As I recognize that this has happened to me I will get out of it and live with power and confidence again. For others who may have suffered this way, the secret is to repeatedly listen to or watch powerful people so your frequency can change into a stronger person.

32. Updated/Added (9/2/2024) If the public or friends have been told not to tell me anything or not to speak to me by Derren Brown, the government or some other celebrity, this was purposely done because they want me traumatized, isolated, unable to trust anyone, but mainly for the reason that they do not want the public to know what evil torment the people behind all this have done to me. These people are evil.

33. Updated/Added (9/2/2024) Don't believe anything on the TV screen. The introduction of AI (Artificial Intelligence) has ruined society. Everything can be faked now and no one knows if the person on screen is actually speaking or if it is AI. If you want to speak to me talk to me face to face. I don't even trust video calling as filters can be used.

34. Updated/Added (9/2/2024) If I am still being filmed I have come to this thought:
a) As the public are watching me it has been fun and entertaining for them
b) while the mind controllers are trying to control my existence how they want me to be portrayed, at the same time pushing me to suicide or a mental breakdown.
The public would be made to find everything fun not realising I am suffering for real and I want this all to end.

35. Updated/Added (11/2/2024) Derren Brown or a Mind Control programmer may have implanted false created events that they put in my mind, and may have claimed while under hypnosis or while I was asleep that I was confessing things that I never did, never knew happened and had nothing to do with me. They could have created lies to destroy me. The programmer can also make me say or do stupid things while I am asleep to make people mock and laugh at me. A programmer does not have to be in the same room as me. They have affected my mind remotely the same way cars can be switched on or their performance accessed and changed remotely by someone miles away or in a different country.

While sleeping I believe the mind control programmer sent dreams to my mind. I can't remember many of these dreams but I know I had them. 

36. Updated/Added (11/2/2024) A strange computer sound of a tone and scrambled electronic sounds randomly get “switched on” inside my head near my left ear. I don't remember ever hearing this sound near my right ear.

37. Updated/Added (14/2/2024) Another thing that happened in the past a number of times also happened today. It's either a demon, voodoo or some kind of black magic is used to cause a crushing sensation in my genital area. It's torture. Then after a while they stop the agony and everything goes back to normal. On this day when they done this torture to me the light next to my bed switched on by itself. I believe they wanted me to know that it was them inflicting the pain.

38. Updated/Added (17/2/2024) Part of the hypnosis that Derren Brown done on me was that I am to be TRAPPED FOREVER. This is an evil and disgusting thing to do to me or anyone. This has given me at times the feeling of hopelessness and no point in trying and that everywhere I go I am trapped. Someone please tell me what is going on & let me know if the filming of me has ended. I will heal. I need someone to tell me what is happening.

39. Updated/Added (22/2/2024) as in number 36, “they” keep switching on a computerised electronic sound in my left ear. It has began to make my speech slower and have a slight difficulty putting a spoon or folk to my mouth. I believe this same thing happened to Muhammad Ali to make him deteriorate. It's as if they don't want to see in the world any educated black men with knowledge speak about peace and unity. They seem to just want black males to portray a pimp, gangster, fool image to affect others to continue this madness. I have struggled today with slow slurred speech and being disorientated. This is part of the Monarch Mind Control evil plot to destroy me. If God wants me still alive and in clear mind and thought then I have had to experience this to talk about it so others know the technology they have to covertly destroy a persons mind and life exists.

40. Updated/Added (29/2/2024) I know I was hypnotized again. I woke up from sleep then a few hours later felt an unusual level of “forceful” sleep come on me. As I woke up from this sleep I heard a woman's voice EXACTLY the same as in one of Derren Browns shows. I think the voice said “Hello” loud. I realized I was in an unnatural uncomfortable position for me to sleep in. I was way too hunched up on the couch in a way that it felt like my arm was crushed. I also had a sensation to feel to gasp for air as if I had been terrified. My insides felt terrified but my mind wasn't. I was shaking. All what I experienced I have seen in one of Derren Browns shows. My head feels crushed on the outside and my brain feels pressure as if it has been squeezed on the front and sides. I think I was taken out of my home.
In dream state I saw a relative that was desperate for me to accept him back after years of him being nasty to me. He has disgusting energy and always wants to come back after every time he says something nasty, or tries to argue with me as to look for a fight. I don't want to have to see or hear of his existence again. He has creepy, jealous, envious, narcissist energy. He needs to move on with his life as I want nothing to do with him.

41. Updated/Added (3/3/2024) On the very next day 1/3/2024 it happened again. I know I was hypnotised again and I believe I was taken out of my home. When I woke up out of hypnosis I was terrified and breathing heavily as if I was running for miles in terror. I believe I was tortured as when I went to get up out of my bed my legs were in agony and it was painful to walk.  I was shaking and trembling when I came out of this hypnosis.This was not a dream. I do not give Derren Brown consent or anyone to hypnotise me.

42. Updated/Added (3/3/2024) For at least 4 days now a strange “wing fluttering” sound keeps happening on and off, a number of times a day, in my right ear. This started happening out of the blue.

43. Updated/Added (4/3/2024) About 2-3 weeks prior to this date, I was sent a message telepathically while fully awake. I was told, “You are going to have a cardiac arrest.” I believe the cardiac arrest message and being secretly hypnotised, taken out of my home, tortured, terrified, shaking, trembling with pains in my legs which made it seem like I was running for miles are all related and I was supposed to have a cardiac arrest and possibly die, but I didn't.
The suggestive message that was put in my mind 2 weeks ago I believe was to be hanging around in my thoughts daily so as soon as I woke up out of hypnosis out of breath I would think I was having a cardiac arrest. I do not consent to Derren Brown or anyone doing hypnosis or any manipulative, evil thing on me or to me. While they could be smiling and telling the public that they are trying to help me, what they are really doing is trying to kill me while you look on and do nothing. Then they laugh at you for not doing anything to stop it so afterwards then they target you next. It only takes one person to stand up and stop this and what evil they planned for you would be stopped.

44.  Updated/Added (4/3/2024) If throughout this period of time it looks like these people have been talking to me as if I could hear them through a speaker or my phone etc, know that all this time they have been speaking directly to my mind telepathically or via 5G using something like Voice to Skull technology. They at times overpowered my mind through hypnosis or demon possession to say things that I had no intentions of saying for the purpose of destroying me and isolating me. I never gave my consent to any of these people. They can make me say something then they go and make it happen. For example if they made me say a name or got me angry about a person, they then can do their voodoo or magic on that person to make it look like I did it when it was them making it look like it was me. They have even made me follow things to do on youtube using candles.

45. Updated/Added (4/3/2024) Continuing on from #44.Think about it. Some of these mega rich people have nothing else to do. They have done all the holidays they wanted to do, been to the best resorts, got their yachts, got their many mansions, had as much sex with whoever they want... then what else is there left for them to do? Play being God and control you. With the insane technology that they have to read your mind, or on an unsuspecting individual, do voodoo, spells, magic, demon possession on you, block the individuals income, ruin your relationship, career, friendships while they get the public to sit back and be the audience and laugh at the individual. They then monitor the person through the persons TV, phone, laptop, hidden cameras in their home and all the external cameras in the cities, shops and everywhere else there is a camera that they can view you from. All the while the unsuspecting individual is Monarch Mind Controlled who the controllers gave a mental illness to. Then a person like Derren Brown claims to be helping the victim but instead is trying to publicly push the person to commit suicide; but if the controllers fail they turn the individual into a wealthy celebrity with a long life and long career afterwards instead. This transforms the individual from being a victim and turning them into a god.

On a whole, the parasite demon, or demons, know which part of the brain to go to to try to render me useless in society or downgrade the use of my gifts. For some reason it hasn't been able to completely hinder my gift of writing and sharing information through typed words.

Part 3 - How The Demon Feels On My Brain

The demon or demons they sent to me moves on the front part of my brain and sometimes hurts my brain. As I type I can feel its sensation touch on my eyes (but I can see) while also feeling it on my forehead and on the top of my head.

When it came I realised I began cursing so easily and freely that it shocked me.

Then it was revealed to me that this demon was sent to me to make me look like a hypocrite because I wrote in my book “Revealed At Last” about not swearing.

Satan and his workers went on full attack on me to humiliate me and make me to be perceived as a liar, hypocrite and a fake. People who know me know that I am a far greater, kind an honest person who has helped people.

I spoke to the demon and told it to praise God every time I am triggered to curse.

I believe God has given me the wisdom to control the cursing this way. So far, I have hardly cursed while it is on my brain than how much it would make me curse before. 

As I sat down and thought about all of this, I realised that the radio station called Heart was what “they” kept wanting me to listen to for over the past year before I stopped listening to the radio. Then I realised that the Lewis Capaldi song, Pras' Ghetto Superstar song and a few others would play as if purposely almost every time I got into the car.

What has come to my remembrance is they would play Pink's song about only having dancing shoes, and Miley Cyrus song Flowers earlier on in the year EVERYTIME Heart was on in the car. They are mind control songs getting people comfortable with not having anything and just be happy to be able to dance while not owning or having anything and being all alone. Is that what the “powers that be” have planned for you and the rest of the world? Do they want you to be all alone and isolated therefore they can control you much easier? Divide and conquer? This then makes you feel like you are the only one going through this situation but you are one of a billion+ others going through the exact same thing because of being programmed through music the mainstream promotes.

 I believe demons were put with Lewis Capaldi's song to trigger me to behave in a way I don't normally behave and to curse and be angry, even though nothing really ever bothers me.

It made me remember that in one of Derren Browns (the celebrity hypnotist, mind control expert) TV shows he programmed some people to be triggered by a song to then go and get a gun and hold at gunpoint a cash delivery van. If he can convince members of the public to carry a gun and rob a cash delivery van, how do we know that he hasn't caused this to happen to someone in real life? How many people are in prison because they were manipulated and targeted to do things through mind control that they would not have normally done?

As I said before, at times, the demon has provoked me to be violent but as I began to notice these anger outbursts, I instead say “praise God” to nullify the anger that was triggered by the parasite demon. Why did I have violent outburst while on my own? Whoever sent the demon wants me to become violent and harm people.

While I was thinking about this demon, I remembered a parasite demon that is in the movie The 5th Wave. This is the best representation of it and how it rests on my eyes and brain.

God will remove the parasite from my mind. I just had to understand it's function so I can recognize it in others and remove it from other peoples minds who have it. THEY CAN BE REMOVED without killing the person who had it. Jesus was casting out these demons when he walked the earth, so they can be cast out again in our time.

Part 4 - Demons in the Music Industry

As interesting as it sounds about the demon coming through the radio, this is what Shane from the group Boyzone had to say about his experience in the music industry.

If this is a true statement then here is proof.

If what Shane said sounds far-fetched, this same practice was said to have happened even since the 1970s's. Listen to this video of John Todd (aka Lance).

This short video is about blatant Satan recognition in the music industry

The process through music video demonstrates where rapper YG sells his soul

Astroworld Concert.

They wanted to get out as soon as they heard the first song.

One of the comments on this video on youtube said:

“I was there and almost had no control of my body. Had to splash water in my face a few times to get out of some trance. Our hearts felt like exploding out of our bodies. My friends and I are lucky to get out. Never going to anything like this again, I will seek God.”

Another person commented:

"A lot of people who aren’t even religious starting praying. That tells you a lot about what they experienced :("

Part 5 - Music Is Mind Controlling You?

Just over a month ago I went into a bar that I have never been in before. I had no intentions on going in there but I listened to the spirit and went in.

As I sat there music was playing. I don't usually pay attention to background pop music but something was prompting me to.

The first song that I heard was a song I would hear come on the radio quite often.

The first line of the song is:

I cant wait for the weekend to begin.” (The Weekend by Michael Gray)

I went online and read the lyrics to the whole song and saw that it was blatant mind control to wait for the weekend, do something dumb, then forget about it, then next weekend do the same thing all over again. Read the lyrics online for yourself.

The next song I heard the lyrics of were:

Their lives again, they lied to pull us through.” (“Push The Feeling On” by the Night crawlers)

[Note: When I first looked up the lyrics online for the second song they were as mentioned above. Now as I have just checked again “the powers that be” have changed the lyrics on lyric sites. But if you check the original song itself and listen to it it says “they LIED to pull us through.” ]

This song has been played for years at clubs on the weekend.

Back to the first song, “I can't wait for the weekend to begin.” I thought to myself, why wait for the weekend? Why not have a fantastic day today? That sounds like mind control to not enjoy or appreciate the day you are already in to keep you frustrated to wait for the weekend.

Then when you get to the weekend this song comes on,

Their lives again, they lied to pull us through.”

They lied (societies controllers lied) to get you through to the weekend when almost the same old thing happens every time you go to the club or pub to dance to these same songs that are describing your mind controlled life.

Some people may say, “We don't care. Why are you telling us this for?”

Answer: It's for the people who do care and appreciate being woken up out of this hypnotic state of mental slavery to then better our lives. With enough awakened people, we can start our own community away from the mass mind control and live prosperous, caring, better, fun and creative lives.

Part 6 - Monitoring Spirit

Something else I learnt about one of the parasite demons that I had before is that they watch almost everything I do, say, write and think.

I'll show you how I worked this out.

I use to link my phone to my bluetooth speaker to listen to music. The people who are trying to control me who have been following me for some time have hacked my phone so they've been doing to my phone what they want to do to it when they want to.

As I had one of those demons on my brain that makes me curse, I wrote down on a piece of paper “Derren Brown is a C**t.” Immediately my music stopped. I put the music back on then I said to myself in my mind, “Derren Brown is a C**t.” The music got shut off straight away again. You may say that those were coincidences. So I randomly would have my music on and throughout the weeks I would say in my mind “Derren Brown is a C**t” and EVERY single time my music would cut off. So I realised they could know my thoughts, BUT not always.

I don't know why these people have been monitoring me or sending demons to me. I felt as though it was to traumatize me and make me look like a fool, a crazy person and a hypocrite because I did not follow the messages they would send to my brain. (Voice to Skull [V2K] technology exists. Look it up).

Part 7 - Time For a New Music Industry

I believe the radio station called Heart was used to play certain types of songs to put a demon or demons in my mind to make me act and behave negatively and for me to curse even though anyone who has known me over the years knows I do not curse at all. I didn't usually let anything bother me. I'm now beginning to wonder what other ways have they been triggering me to act in ways I do not normally do? It seems these people have been watching and manipulating my behaviour for a long time but their end goal has FAILED. If they have been able to manipulate me do you realise that they have been manipulating the majority of you?

[NOTE: I mentioned these parasites in my post Beware Covert Hate Crime.]

We need a completely new music industry and new music that has no ties to using music to fill peoples brains with these parasite demons that can ruin lives. A music industry where no one has to do heart and soul breaking sexual acts on music executives to get a record deal. Talented people, in the new music industry, should be able to be free and get a fair income without hidden money being kept from them. Almost no artist or entertainer should have to become poor unless they have got extremely crooked and violated unscrupulously another humans existence. They deserve to lose everything.

Part 8 - Intended Hope

I hope this post has been of help to the good celebrities who know exactly what I am talking about, and I hope it helped the targeted individuals who have tried to make sense of the madness they have had to go through. The demons can leave me alone now and you too.

 Maybe I had to go through this craziness to help you out and to let the general public know that this is happening to people. Maybe the trapped good celebrities who have no one to talk to about this get relief knowing that I exposed it.

Pray for me and the celebrities and the people who need destroyed any future attempts of trouble planned to be sent to us, and for God and the justice system to punish the senders in such a way that they stop all their evil acts.

Because the evil people would not stop harassing me and did not give me the finances that belong to me, it seems like God chose to expose them and others during this process. If they had done the right thing and gave me what belongs to me in the first place then things wouldn't have got them in the situation they are in now.

As I have shared all I have over the years, I now hope that all my suffering has ended and I can get all the money due to me that has been generated because of my existence, and for me to get from the pit to the palace way of living now.


UK Music Producer

(Peter Hutchinson)

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