In need of love, passion, romance and harmony
I wrote The following post in March 2019. This was almost a whole year before many countries went on lockdown for the first time. It was as if the other dimension was giving me information on what to provide for people before the new world in 2020 began.
I saw that the following post is still being read constantly on my old blogger site even though I have not promoted it at all. This was a sign to make it available to be read on this site to help those who haven't seen it before.
As we live in a time where life as we knew it has changed and is continually changing, now is the time to realize life is not going back to normal.
It looks like the media and social media controllers are trying everything to cause disharmony and you are either going along with what they say or you are thinking for yourself. They don’t want us to get along.
I was speaking to a person who works in a petrol (gas) station about the recent panic over fuel shortage in the UK. We were talking about how people believe everything the media tells them. There was no initial shortage one of the petrol station workers said. There was only shortage because people panic bought more than they needed when there was no need to. The person said it’s like the media are trying to make us all fight each other.
Just before you read my 2019 post, see what happened in Australia. You may say about your country, “This will never happen in my country” but what do you think the Australians said? They never believed this type of heavy handedness would be their experience either in their entire lifetime.
Now here is my post from
31st March 2019
In need of love, passion, romance and harmony.
Nothing is going to change unless you do something about it. Your spirit frequency needs to change. Take a leap that could change everything on how you are living now and begin a transformation.
I got this information from the other dimension and was shown what to create.
A wasted life that you may be living prolongs because of what distraction your ears and eyes are drawing into your mind. Is it Brexit or the ongoing problems surrounding the US government and the opposition party, or is something going wrong in your country? Whatever the drama is, it is being digested into your mind and is likely to be stomping down what really matters in your life e.g. love, passion, romance or harmony.
The people who control most of the world’s vibration through technology and the media are having a major malfunction right now. Just look at the problems in France, Venezuela, Sweden, UK (Brexit), USA (country is divided), India, Pakistan and other countries. The controllers are the ones who have made you think a certain way to benefit them but keep you separated from what really matters in your life. It's time to re-tune your frequency back to love, passion, romance, and harmony.
As I have already provided free items before to help your life improve, this time I have been shown a way to help you attract love, passion, romance or harmony into your life.
An intent was placed into the picture below. I saw in my mind’s eye a male and female coming together as the attraction for love, passion, romance and harmony was accomplished. I also saw a local community coming together to live in harmony. The last line on the picture says “I receive and respond.” This means once you have received the attraction you have to then respond to the person who has been attracted to you so a friendship or relationship can begin. This is more than just for love and romance. It's also to bring harmony amongst people you encounter.
I was shown by the other dimension that I had to create the picture.
Once you get your picture, don’t be surprised if you start to draw attraction shortly after you receive it.
The live active intent attraction vibration in the picture is strong and you may feel it as soon as you look at it below.
There are 3 designs to choose from. Versions 1 & 2 start from an 8 x 8 canvas size while version 3 is a metal print. Larger sizes can be received by clicking on a larger size option.
I Attract Love Version 1 (green/white)
-Canvas Print-
I Attract Love Version 2 (white/pink)
-Canvas Print-
I Attract Love Version 3 (black/white/red)
NOTE: This version is a metal print
The words on the picture say:
"I Attract Love
I Attract Passion
I Attract Romance
I Attract Harmony
I Receive and Respond"
When you receive the picture read and repeat the words at least 3 times a day.
This is another way it was revealed to me to fix society.
Can you imagine going into a restaurant and seeing one of the pictures on the wall and you say to one of the staff “I have one of those pictures” and the staff replies, “You do? Well you can have this meal for half price as you are part of making our community better.” Then you support that restaurant and bring your friends there too. Or go online and tell people on social media to eat there.
Or imagine if you went into a local convenient store and you saw the most expensive of the pictures on the wall and you said “I have one of those” and the cashier replies, “You do? So you are serious about change and harmony in the local community too? Just pay half price for your items.” Then you support that convenient store and tell your friends to also.
I have personally received, unexpectedly, a bag full of shopping for free more than once simply because I would have interesting conversations with one of the staff in a grocery store. I never expected it would happen. I would have rather paid, but I have learnt not to insult someone else’s kindness so I accepted their free kind gesture. And of course, I would go back and spend money in their store.
The more the I Attract Love picture is seen in many different places in your town and in homes, you are part of creating a vibration and frequency spreading harmony.
If you are in need of love, passion, romance or harmony, take the opportunity now to jump into this new timeline in your life as your vibration and your life needs changing.
And when you do attract what is listed on the picture, keep the picture on the wall to overpower the negative frequency that comes from those who control the media to manipulate your thinking. Let love, passion, romance and harmony flow through your home and wherever you go.
- This is the end of the post from March 2019 -
The following is an update from 9th November 2021
Once you receive your picture take note of things that happen. You may notice a shift right away.
What Could Happen When You Receive Your Picture:
1. Things begin to keep on getting better and better and you see daily or weekly or monthly attractions come to you.
2. Things seem to start going wrong. They are not going wrong. They are clearing a way for something new to come into your life for the changes you desire.
3. If everything is staying the same, it could mean you have not truly accepted the words or changed your frequency for the shift to begin. You change your frequency by what you allow yourself to listen to or believe. For example some of your youtube subscriptions may need to go and change to higher vibration fun or positive or motivational videos of music or things you watch. Some TV programs you watch may be keeping your frequency low too. If you watch soap operas where people are arguing all the time then that can filter into your life and you live out what you watched on the screen. It’s your choice to let go of them so you can attract love, passion, romance and harmony.
4. If you see one of the pictures in a restaurant, in a shop, in your place of work, at a venue, or anywhere else this can ignite your vibration higher and create harmony at the place you are in with you and others. It can also start conversations with people who don’t know what it means. Tell them they can buy their own only from my website.
The picture represents that you have changed your frequency to a different frequency and different vibration.
This frequency is of love, passion, romance and harmony. You receive and respond.
You and like minded people are on a different level of living.
Choose which I Attract Love version you desire.
Click on the version button and it will take you to that picture.
Your order will be fulfilled by Fine Art America.
In a world where things are becoming more challenging, this is the right time to see what harmony and attractions can happen to you now in your life.
Fix Society
All Rights Reserved | K STONE UK Music Producer
These are some titles you can download right now.
4. ATP Self Development - A process that has changed lives instantly!
The words in these free leaflets are for all nations and colours across the world.
At last, a flag for people who want to live
in peace with other people of different colours
Unity begins here!