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Am I in The Truman Show?

K STONE • 7 July 2022

What is going on?

Part 1

For the last month I began noticing an increase in odd behaviour from the people who live in the surrounding area.

Something has been going on. It’s like I’m in The Truman Show.

I think I may have been mentioned in a newspaper or on the news. I don’t watch the TV so can someone tell me what happened?

Part 2

On 2nd July something strange happened. I went to sit down and rest my elbow on the chair arm when it seemed like someone pushed my elbow. My hand shot upwards and my thumb and nail hit my eyeball so hard that I thought I was going to pass out.

It hit so hard that I thought I had burst my eye. I didn’t know if it was eye fluid or tears streaming out.

I thought this pain would calm down in an hour but it didn’t. It lasted for days. At that time I also had a mental breakdown. I was going through too much.

As I lay in agony on the bed covering my right eye with my right hand I said to myself, “I’m doing the same thing as all those celebs do in pictures by covering their right eye with their hand.”

As my eye was wounded and weeping out lots of water it reminded me of the eye of the Sun God Ra.

Because my eye was wounded for a number of days I could not let the sun light in my home as the sun light gave my eye agony and headaches.

I wondered to myself, “did this all happen on purpose to signify that I am on a new level?”

I still have to cover my right hand over my right eye at times as my eye still hurts.

While going through all this pain a song kept repeating in my mind, “You won’t break my soul,” by Beyonce.

Part 3

Early in the morning about 4am on 6th July I was covering my right eye. As my eye was closed I saw darkness. Then out of nowhere I saw a red devil that looked similar to this.

I was watching this red devil reaching his hands upwards as he fell deeper and deeper down into the darkness until he could not be seen.

A shift has happened. This devil has lost his power and has disappeared.

Later on on the 7th July 2022 Boris Johnson resigned and the Conservative party collapsed.

Let’s see where we go from here.

I’m psychologically and mentally exhausted right now. The next chapter is on what you are going to do.

Fix Society


by Peter Hutchinson 29 March 2025
I kept getting signs to make this known. Are you one of the good people who has done a lot of good and have been creative, then you get given attention but jealous people angered you to make you look like a bitter person? If this makes sense to you, I was given signs recently to write about how your good name has returned back to you. You had been alone preparing your life for years then the spotlight came on you and people you know who don't like you made you out to be a horrible selfish person. None of that was true. They just don't realise how much you suffered to get to the point of your celebrity light but they wanted your light without suffering what you went through. This made some of you good people angry and hated. Now time has passed the truth came out. You are a wonderful person. Your family, friends and the people who know you could not believe how special you are, and some of them wanted what is yours. They didn't want you to have what you suffered for. Now it's time for you to get back all plus more of what was taken from you or hindered from you. You were the star all along. I speak this into existence because I have been given signs to. You are going to get everything that you deserve to have and more. Your celebrity light cannot go out. Your Source showed that you are impeccable while others benefited unfairly from your suffering. The tables have turned. What a miraculous turnaround. There was no way you should have survived the hate, loneliness, ridicule and your things taken from you. Those who wished you bad are shocked that you are still alive, are looking beautiful and you have turned from your anger to being the good light that you were in the beginning. Believe that you have received all the good that your energy has generated. It's yours. If it hasn't come yet it's coming. You will receive in unexpected ways. Breathe in, breathe out and relax. K STONE (Peter Hutchinson) UK Music Producer
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