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Bound By Witchcraft Now Free

K STONE • 4 July 2021

Read to the end. 
This is for other people too.

Today (4th July 2021) I was shown that people who have done witchcraft on me and stole life, health, wealth and other things from me had had an “activity” done, and had what represented me put underneath a house.

As this activity was done, there is supposed to be no escape for that essence of me from leaving that spirit dimension basement. 

A week or so earlier I was typing and something in the mirror caught my eye. At an angle I watched a white ghost like figure float in the mirrors reflection. I got up and looked around to where the ghost should have been. Then I heard the words from the ghost say “you are safe.” I had a conversation with the ghost but that info is between me and it.

Now today 4th July 2021 it was revealed to me that I have become free from the place underneath that house. No-one is supposed to escape from out of there.

Those who had me captive have now been tied up and placed under the house and will remain there forever. No-one escapes from that dimension basement.

Into captivity they go.

This is not my doing. A supernatural changeover has taken place.

As this has been revealed to me other people are to be set free too.

Some of you do not realise that something that represents you was placed underneath a house and through witchcraft had your life hindered and limited while those responsible lived a far better life than you by stealing what was supposed to be for you.

If this describes your life say these words below and if you are to be free you will become free.

“From the place where escape was impossible, I have now come out of there and have become eternally free.

The people responsible for my captivity have now become captive by supernatural means.

They are now trapped forever in a compartment in hell.

All misfortune they plan to do to me in this world will come upon them.

Now I am free from all that hindered me in every aspect of my life.

 I am free, I am free, I am free.

By the power of the death sacrifice of Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

And so it is.”

Keep a note of unexpected good fortune that comes your way. Write them down.

I did not plan on writing this at all. I am writing what came to me today. It has come right on Independence Day in the USA. 

Independence simply means freedom.

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