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Doctor Strange The Multiverse and Me

K STONE • 8 May 2022

My similar experience is in Doctor Strange’s Multiverse of Madness movie

A number of weeks ago I wrote a post about the painful situation that I went through that split my brain into compartments. I said the suffering I went through was the only way I could get into that different dimension.

Take a look at this short clip of Doctor Strange. He is shouting because he is in pain and his face (brain) is being split into compartments. This enabled him to get into a different dimension.

My situation happened years ago. This clip reminded me of what I went through. My situation lasted for years though.

The other dimension told me to add this.

It told me to let the readers know that I do not own and have never owned a XBOX or Playstation. I do not own any gaming console whatsoever.

I also cancelled my Television License in 2020 so I don’t know a lot of what has been happening in the world since then. Looking at the front cover of newspapers, or the random info that I see on twitter or facebook, is the rare news on what is happening in the world that I get to know about. 


With a brain like mine I don’t make time for playing computer games. Unfortunately for me my brain is usually in trauma. I have realised that trauma has erased some things and some people out of my memory. How would I know? Because at rare moments in my life someone would speak to me who says I know them but I don't remember them at all. Trauma can also make me remember things and dreams that shape my life’s purpose. I’m hoping the mind trauma side of things ends now though.

My brain is constantly active and sometimes when people speak to me I can’t hear them because I am in my mind, minding my own business. It's only when I am driving I am always aware of what’s around me. So if someone said hello to me or spoke to me, I probably had no idea you were talking to me until my brain registers it after I passed by. Sometimes I hear at that moment and then respond.


Sometimes when I have dreams or experiences I would put them in a youtube search or search engine and I would see computer games come up with the titles of my experiences. I realized that there are people who know about the other dimension and the things I know and are putting them into games.


But, I was told to let the readers know that I do not own or play any type of computer games. The last game online I could think of playing was Pool on a little pool table and I can’t remember when that was.

So to those who think I play those games or own a console, now you know I don’t. I use my brain for other things. If you play them that’s your right and your choice to play them and I hope you enjoy the satisfaction you get out of them. One day in the future I may get one, but I can’t see that happening any time soon. I’m just not interested in them.


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