As always, I am just saying what I see. This is historic timing.
I’ve done Tyson Fury’s name before some time ago so here is Dillian Whytes name.
Round 1
This is the first link that came up in the search for the name Dillian.
It says, “Dillian as a girl’s name is of old English origin, and the meaning of Dillian is “idol, god.”
Whyte meaning
This is another variant of the word white.
What do we see? Is Dillian a girl? No. So that is a false representation of this man. Also Dillian means idol/god. Is this boxer white? No he is black. Another false representation of this man.
If you put it together the meaning that the universe wants us to see is, a false idol that is white. (Keep reading I’m going somewhere with this).
Have in mind that Tyson Fury could have been fighting any fighter at this time but it happened to be Dillian. This fight could have taken place at any date of the year but it has happened within days of Easter. In many churches and cathedrals all over the world there is a white idol that has been made and is said to represent Jesus Christ.
At this point I have to say RACISM is stupid and this post has nothing to do with racism. Also, as I am writing this post before the fight happens, I say best of luck to both fighters. Tyson Fury is no doubt a legend of our time and Dillian Whyte is a strong great fighter.
Round 2
After the names meaning was revealed to me I came across a video of Billy Graham describing what Jesus looked like. For those who don’t know who Billy Graham is, years ago he would go around the world filling football stadiums preaching to millions of people. Jesus was a dark black man.
If Billy Graham is right, who is the white idol that is in thousands of churches, cathedrals, homes, hospitals etc around the world? Some say it’s Cesare Borgia. I have not found any proof that it’s him. So who does this idol represent?
Round 3
Even in this BBC show Doctor Who the actor says history is a whitewash and that Jesus was black. Why would they add that into the show which had nothing to do with Jesus? There are people in film and media who know the truth and put it on screen but most of the public mainly think they are just TV shows and films.
Take a listen. It’s around 3 minutes long.
Another BBC show came up and uses comedy to say something similar to what Billy Graham said. It has interesting dialogue.
Round 4
As I was thinking about the interpretation of Dillian Whytes name an ancient text came to mind. It talks about a person called the son of perdition. He elevates himself above all that is called God and that he is worshipped and sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.
These are the verses:
2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4
"3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Does that sound like the statue that is placed high in all the churches who have this statue in their buildings?
They have been worshiping this idol and bowing down to it for years and say Jesus is God when he is not. Jesus and God are two different beings but they have made this idol as Jesus as God.
Is this idol, who nobody knows the name of, the son of perdition?
Further down in that ancient text it talks about God sending a strong delusion so people who don’t want the truth will believe the lie. They are the people who are programmed by their training or religious beliefs making them afraid of the idol. They will continue to bow down to the sculptured idol. But for those of you reading this who used to bow down to this idol and who are now awakened to the truth, you are free to change your perspective to the truth.
This is why I believe we had to have this boxing match at this time in history to give people the opportunity to examine this statue for themselves. The explanation of the name Dillian Whyte had to be known now at this point in time. This has nothing to do with the boxer as a person.
Round 5
As that idol is not the real Jesus, I’ll show you what the ancient text says about the real Jesus Christ.
When he was around back then, he DID NOT want anyone to know he was the Christ and he told his disciples not to tell anyone. Why? Because people would start creating idols and images of him to bow down to and worship him when he didn’t want that to happen back then.
This is the verse.
Matthew 16:20
"Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ."
There were no Christians that existed when Jesus walked the earth. Outside of his circle nobody knew he was the Christ (chosen one/anointed). It could have been Judas who leaked it out to those who wanted Jesus dead. They gave Judas the money he received for giving them the information.
So if people are still kneeling or worshipping the handmade, painted crafted idol, they are delusional, according to what the ancient text says.
Round 6
The human Jesus Christ was giving people knowledge to share with others and they went out and shared what they learnt.
The ancient text says at one point 70 people went out doing what he gave them power to do. They came back happy because remarkable things happened, and even devils had to obey these 70 people.
So these 70 people were walking around doing amazing things.
This is the verse:
Luke 10:17
"And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
Can you see the difference?
1. The manufacture created idol that is in buildings has people bowing down to it, worshipping it, kissing it and praying to it in submission.
2. The human Jesus had people elevated up to his level. They did some of the things he did. They are not bowed down.
Number 1 is a wooden, stone, metal or glass idol (son of perdition),
and number 2 is a man who showed people how to live and put them on his level. This is why a lot of churches are going to begin to be shut down. They have been doing things the wrong way for years.
Round 7
Instead of seeing Jesus as an idol you kneel and bow down to, you are supposed to see him as if he is a brother or a friend. It doesn’t matter what colour you are. This is for all colours. This has nothing to do with religion.
For example, if I came to your house and showed you things and you learned from me, you would have gained knowledge and you use it. This doesn’t mean you kneel down to me. Same principle as with the human Jesus. It’s usually people who have done wrong or feel inferior who kneel and bow down.
If you are going to pray, don’t kneel down in submission, stand up and talk and be elevated onto his level as if you are talking to a friend.
Round 8
This was revealed to me about the names of the boxers.
Whyte Fury.
It’s a play on statement for “white fury.”
This means a section of mainly white people are going to be furious that they have been lied to for so long about history.
Round 9
The other dimension said I had to add this.
Tupac said,
“They say it’s the white man I should fear, but it’s my own kind doing all the killing here.”
When it comes to the subject of black on black killings, black people need to stop complaining about white people when they are the ones killing each other.
How can these black people who some are from Christ’s relatives bloodline keep killing each other? The curse is broken, accept it and change your mentality.
Miami stop the shooting
Chicago STOP!
Louisiana STOP!
Jamaica STOP!
Brazil STOP!
Croydon STOP!
London STOP!
Birmingham STOP!
Manchester STOP!
Round 10
For the black people who are into shooting but who want to get out of it and change and get some knowledge, go get KRS One’s album and learn something.
Music has been influential in changing peoples’ lives. Get back to the hip hop that has a messages and banging beats.
This is KRS One’s track called “The Beginning.”
If this track doesn’t make your head bounce, I don’t know what will.
Round 11
This ends my Dillian Whyte name interpretation post.
For those who want to read my interpretation of the Will Smith slap on Chris Rock, click here. That one has been one of my most powerful interpretations.
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