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I Made It Back To The Source

K STONE • 1 March 2022

If you have been following my posts over the years you’ll know I’ve shared in blog posts and on Facebook my journey in the other dimension.

One of the last places I shared about was when I went up into space and connected to this huge mother ship that looked like a gold circuit board with hieroglyphs. After I shared that experience, later in the year the movie Eternals was released. I was shocked when I saw that spaceship that looked similar to what I saw over a year before the movie was released.

As my other dimension self was a gold being at that time, I connected to the mother ship and it downloaded my experiences that I had on earth.

The Eternals experiences on earth were also recorded in some big ship or place in space. I had never heard of the Eternals movie before. This is the trailer.

After my earth experiences had been saved onto the mother ship, the mother ship took off. After a while, I left the mother ship not as a gold being but as a ball of light. I traveled some distance in space to the Source which was a place of light in the universe.

When I got there the first thing I said was,

“Why would you send a child to this planet?” (I was talking about earth).

The Source simply smiled. I couldn’t see him but I could sense him. In his smile it was revealed to me what has been happening for years.

What was revealed was he sent the Light of the World to the earth 2000 years ago. Then it was made known to me that the Source has sent many other lights to the earth over the centuries and not just Jesus/Yeshua.

Some people believed what these lights in human form said while others mocked and ridiculed them or called them mad. The important thing was that people were given the message of Eternal Life and the Kingdom whether people accepted the message or not.

What I noticed as I was with the Source was that the atmosphere at that place was a place of fun. I could sense people were as children all happy and having fun. No stress, bills or any type of hate was there, just fun childlike energy. It was as if everyone who was allowed to return to the Source, who had died, went back to being a happy child again there. This place, to my understanding is the Kingdom of God.

Law of Attraction

I was told by the other dimension to explain why the Law of Attraction does not work for some. It works for a lot of people, but it will not work for others. The people it will not usually work for are some who are born for a specific purpose. Those people see their dreams and goals not work out because their true purpose could have been something different but they ignored it. Their purpose, when it is done, creates a ripple effect that spreads out. Some may become famous while others are barely known but who have affected people’s lives.

Probably the most famous person who came to this planet to fulfill a purpose was Christ. If in his heart he really wanted to be a musician or a professional jockey it wouldn’t have worked out. He knew he came to be crucified. At one point he even asked the Source if the Source could take away his purpose so he wouldn’t have to do it. Then he just gave in and said, “What you require will be done.”

This is why the Law of Attraction won’t usually work for a select number of people. They have a purpose to fulfill.

The Devil’s Earth

I worked out some years ago that something went seriously wrong with planet earth thousands of years ago and it became in the control of evil beings. This surprisingly was also a similar theme in the movie the Eternals. Some things I have thought about are in that movie.

The proof of evil beings being in control of earth is when the Devil said to Jesus, if Jesus bows down and worships the Devil he would give him land and glorious things in the land (today’s equivalent would be property, mansions, sports cars, fame etc). If Jesus was so powerful and great wouldn’t Jesus be offering the Devil all these things and not the other way around? So that to me proved that something happened many years ago and the evil beings won the majority of possession of the earth at some point in time. That’s why the Source sent Jesus to this planet to sort out the problem in a way that the Devil didn’t understand.

Even the rock group The Rolling Stones sang about who was “boss” at that time in their song Sympathy For The Devil.

Mick Jagger sings:

“I've been around for a long long year/ stole a many a man’s soul and faith/

I was ‘round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain/

Made sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate/

Pleased to meet you can you guess my name?/

But what’s puzzling you is the nature of my game.”

The Devil was behind the crucifixion of Christ but the Devil gives people the choice to play out the Devil’s plans. It’s their choice. I do believe that might be the nature of the Devil’s game.

Why would a rock group even bother mention Jesus? In the song Sympathy for The Devil it’s pretty descriptive of what the Devil has been up to throughout the centuries. Listen to it for yourself.

Something else that puzzled me over the years was if Devil worshippers really believed they were going to be tormented in hell after their life ended, why would they worship the Devil? I have talked to Satanists and Devil worshippers over the years (I’ll talk to people who others won’t). I got an insight to what some factions believe. Some believe if they worship the Devil, after they die they can be reincarnated back into a new body and live on earth again. I have to say that makes sense if that really does happen because why would they worship if they got a bad deal in the end?

I can’t prove it but I will go out there and say I believe some are probably right in that they could be reincarnated into a new body and be born in another body on earth, then they worship the Devil again and the same practice keeps on happening lifetime after lifetime.

There is a problem now though. I have heard from two different sources that the ability to be placed into a new body has been broken. If that’s true, they cannot use that loop to come back to earth again. So I am guessing that after they die this time, if they are still Devil worshippers they’ll end up in a place of eternal torment when they die this time around and can’t come back.

If the loop has in fact been broken; in Revelation 12:12, that verse talks about the Devil being angry as he is running out of time. This could mean that the reincarnation loop has been broken and he can’t reincarnate himself or his worshippers anymore. He’s got his own survival problems now so he probably hasn’t got time to care about the people he’s made deals with. The Devil has looked after his own people over the years but it looks like they may have to rethink their deal now.

For some of you reading this post you’ll find this interesting. Some will think I am crazy. Does that mean Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones are crazy too?

Even in the ancient text some people said that Jesus was a mad man and possessed by a devil when he spoke about things, while others said what Jesus was saying are not the words of a demon possessed man.

Back To The Source

The other dimension told me to add this. At the time of writing, Russia is at war with Ukraine and the threat of other wars may start. Remember what I said about the Source and what it is like where he is? It’s a fun and happy place there. So if you lose your life, you know it’s going to be great where the Source is. The ticket you need to have in your heart to get there is the belief in the Light of the World and the Father of Lights (Jesus Christ and God). This also applies to people going through all sorts of issues in their life.

I received an email telling me that my electricity cost was going up again after it already went up recently. The electricity high prices are out of control and the first thing that came to my mind is that the elderly who are poor are going to freeze to death. Some people on low income are going to become homeless because energy prices are too high. The shock and stress of the price increase for people who can’t afford it is highly likely going to cause some people to commit suicide. What is happening is a silent genocide by pricing people out of being able to live. High energy prices is a lie. Nikola Tesla showed how to provide free energy around 100 years ago.

If the financial problem situation applies to you, I suggest you get that ticket in your heart in case you leave this planet. I’ll see you there where the Source is at some point.

You Who Are Being Crucified

I was shown to add this too. There are some people going through a tough time. It’s as if you are being crucified on a cross displayed in front of everyone. As bad as that may feel, being up there on your cross gives you a clear view of everyone. Because they think your life is over and it’s impossible for you to get off that cross they nailed you to, you get to see people’s real heart towards you.

The picture illustrates good hearted individuals on a cross surrounded by people who focus on everything you say and do. The crazy thing is, the people who surround you and scandalize you have done far worse things than you have ever done. The light will shine on them eventually so don’t you worry. It’s coming!

While on your cross:

You get to see those who want you to die and fail even though you were good to them.

You get to see the people you helped or healed who have turned against you.

You get to see those who have got brave and openly mock you and laugh at you.

You get to see the people who are silent in fear of what others will say if they came to speak to you or help you.

You also get to see the ones who reach out to you and make an effort to speak to you and help you.

From being up there on your cross you see it all.

It’s a position you needed to be in before the death of your old life happens.

All what you went through whether good, bad, humiliating, amazing, traumatic, miraculous, illness, sadness, heartbreaking and fantastic were all frequencies and energies you needed to experience.

When your old life dies and the earthquake (metaphorically or physically) happens that shakes up your world, in a short while you will shock everyone when you rise up and walk in your new life.

You were sent by the Source. You are the ones who spread the Kingdom of the Source on earth.

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