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Me And The Prostitute

K STONE • 12 April 2022

I was shown by the other dimension to speak about this situation because for some reason, at this point in time it has to be made known.

I'm sure that there are people who know of me from my area who were thinking back then,

“Why on earth would he be in a relationship with a working girl? This makes absolutely no sense as he could have any woman he wanted as many women want him.”

Back in the day when I would go into a nightclub girls would come up to me and hug me. Some I would know, others I didn’t know and some would introduce themselves to me. I was a G and didn’t take sh** from anyone and I was feared by many who knew about me. I could stop fights by not even being at a location where a fight was about to happen. A person would say that they knew me and the aggressor would back off and leave that person alone.

 So I am sure everyone was baffled as to why I was with that Thai girl years ago.

Now you are going to find out why.

 First of all, I had no interest to be in a relationship like this and I didn’t want to. I even told her that the spirit world said I had to stay in the relationship even though I didn’t want to. I know that sounds harsh, but these girls are little gangster/hustlers and are tougher than you think.

How It All Began

Back then, over a number of days I had an increase in back pain that made no sense. It got so bad that the pain made my eyes water. Pain killers didn’t work.

The other dimension showed me that I had to get the pain massaged out. I looked online for a professional massage therapy company. Everyone that I looked at online the other dimension said, “Not that one.” Then on gumtree (or a similar site) I clicked on a link. I said I am not going to that one. The other dimension said “Yes you are” and told me which girl to go to. I was told to give her a message from the spirit world. I complained and said no I’m not going. Then the spirit world increased the pain in my back so I said ok I will go.

When I got there I said I’m not here for sex I just want a massage. The Thai girl said well I think you have come to the wrong place. I said no I have come to the right place.

The prettier Thai girl said that she is trained in massage so she’ll do it but I said no it has to be that girl. The two Thai girls looked at each other surprised because they both knew the one who was trained in massage was prettier.

The Thai girl said because I am not here for sex she reduced the price so I could just pay for a massage.

So I had the massage and gave the girl the message that the other dimension gave me to give her. She was surprised and agreed with the message of what was revealed about her.

She said to me “You are really different.”

After I had the massage I gave her my number and said if you need to speak to someone here is my number.

After the massage was finished ALL the pain in my back disappeared. I was surprised. I couldn’t believe it.

(NOTE: If you are in pain and the spirit world tells you to give a message and you refuse, the pain is likely going to stay. No matter how odd the message seems to give to someone, after you give it, that could be the solution for your pain or illness to go away).

As I was leaving I told her not to fall in love with me. I was going through my own issues at the time too and I didn’t want to be in a relationship.

One day she did call which I didn’t expect her to.

Time Passed

After spending time with her, I learned a lot about what working girls thought about what they do. She told me that she and  all the girls she knows hate the job. They have to pretend they like it.

Then as time went on there were men who were having sex with her who know me.

While they thought I had no knowledge about it, now they know I know.

This entire situation was because I was put in it by the spirit world. I didn’t understand why, but read on and see.

Brain Trauma Created Compartments

Part of why the other dimension used this situation for me was to split my brain into compartments. I cannot even count the numerous amounts of rooms that have been created inside my brain. The trauma at the time of all these men having sex with her was used to expand and create hundreds of compartments in my brain. I just had to allow the spirit world to keep creating these compartments even though I hated the situation.

I didn’t want to be in the relationship but the spirit world told me to stay. I told her this too.

After a while, knowing the men having sex with her didn’t affect me anymore. It was like I went through a dimension wall and put on a higher level of understanding and this was the only way I could get into that new dimension. These men do not realise that their energy was being collected and eventually used to benefit me. I can’t explain it as most people are unaware of energy transfers and energy power and how it can be used. I didn’t know this until later.

I knew that at times she degraded me to the men who know me. Why? Because she wanted their money, and by doing this it made them feel better about themselves.

What they didn’t realise, which they will now is, I know things.

 Even though I did not know why at first I had to go through all of this, the spirit dimension did.

I’m going to show you something. Because of the male bashing movement that has happened over the last 20 or so years, straight men have been reduced to being seen as useless. Some of their wives or girlfriends generally would not care to listen to the conversations what their husbands or their boyfriends would say so guess who they would go and speak to?  That’s right, the working girls. So guess what I know, and about who? And they have camera's inside those places.

I know about the lines some snort before sex.

I know about the dudes who fantasize and are obsessed with their best friends teenage daughters who some have sex with unknown to their best friends, and make the working girls dress up like them.

I know about the dudes who get “done in the exit" with a strap on.

Why did I mention all this? Because those who know, now know that I am not lying.

I know things. And guess what? I’m not going to tell anyone your business. That’s your life. I really don’t care what you get up to.

The men who attended were single men, married men, men who have girlfriends, working men, men on benefits, black, white, Asian…

(To the women reading this, it’s highly unlikely that your partner is doing this. Not all men do this.)

There are also things that I know about the Thai girl that she doesn’t realise I know. For some reason, she and all involved thought I was dumb and that I had no knowledge.


For those wondering about how clean these Thai girls are, I can assure you that her and her friends I knew, they shower more times in one day than most of you shower in one week, and that is no exaggeration. They fear for their health so they take the best care they can with being clean and healthy.

This post could be hundreds of pages long with what I know.

This post is not to expose anyone. It is to make people understand why I was with the Thai girl. Look at all the info this situation gave me and I never expected to know so much.

I’m just sharing what the other dimension forced me to do back then.

Looking back, all the things I have been through over the years seems like they were rituals. There are some people like me who don’t have 100% free will. We have to do what the other dimension wants done at specific times, so be very careful who you judge when you do not understand why someone is doing something that doesn’t match up with your way of thinking.

How The Relationship Ended

Years ago at that time the doctor said I was going to die that year. I was losing my strength so I believed him. I didn’t tell her what the doctor told me. I told her to go back to Thailand to see her mother.

When she went back to her country we spoke over the phone a few times before I ended the relationship because I didn’t expect to live.

Well the doctor got that wrong.

Instead of people trying to guess or gossip about me over this situation, I have just explained what happened. Now remember, the way you looked into my life, at anytime, your life can be put under a microscope and everything you have said or done can be revealed to the world. Mind your business or else someone could be ready to expose you publicly, and it won’t be me. I’m not interested in exposing people. Those who point fingers don’t realise that there could be people ready for them. While they are oblivious, their life can get unexpectedly revealed. 

Fix Society


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