I just want to put this on record. On the day or shortly after 20th September 2022 I received a phone call that was claimed to be from the Citizens Advice Bureau. It was said to be from a man called “A****w.”
It was either the same day or a day or so after he called me again. I thought it was odd as we already rescheduled a meeting for the 19th October 2022.
In around about these words, he asked me if I would give the Citizens Advice Bureau consent to record or keep my correspondence with them as it would make it easier to recall what we discussed. I said yes.
After that he, or someone who sounded similar to him, called again minutes later. He then asked the exact same thing. With words similar to this but I cannot remember exactly, he asked that I should clarify that I have given consent for my correspondence or communication to be kept on record or recorded. I said yes, as it would make things easier. He asked me to clarify again. I did. I thought all of that was weird.
So when the 19th October came I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau for the meeting and guess what? There was no person called A***w there for the meeting.
The person at the reception clarified that there was a meeting on his computer with me to meet a person called A****w. No person called A****w showed up.
So that made me think that someone may have used the Citizens Advice Bureau and called me over the phone to get me to clarify more than once with my voice that I consented to “be recorded” or have my correspondence recorded.
This made me suspicious as NO PERSON CALLED A****W showed up for the meeting.
In the event that someone other than the Citizens Advice Bureau claims that I gave them verbal consent to record me, know that it is a big lie.
The way I was asked to repeat myself made me suspicious but now as there was no “A***w” on the 19th October makes me even more suspicious.
Someone at some point in time could falsely use that phone recording to say I gave them consent to something and I NEVER DID. I gave that consent ONLY to the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Be careful people. There are some shady people out there.
Know that if there is ANYONE ELSE CLAIMING THAT I GAVE THEM CONSENT TO RECORD ME and they have recorded proof with my voice, know that they are lying and they pretended to be from the C.A.B.
And for the record, I now take away consent for the Citizens Advice Bureau to record my voice or any documentation or anything concerning me.
So as I said, if a recording comes out of me giving consent to anything else via audio know that it was a set up and a lie.
For those who follow my writings, make a copy of this post for future reference.
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