On the 10th June 2023 this was revealed to me.
1. I am to blame for people mocking me and watching me suffer without them helping me. The reason I am to blame is because I thought I could help people raise their frequency to a higher understanding so they could heal and live in a better society. I am to blame. I thought people would understand. It's hard to carry on and do good when you realise almost everyone you encounter is lying to your face. If the people who I went out to help are just watching me and lying to me, it causes anger and a strong regret that I went out to help the very people who are laughing at me and not helping me and not telling me the truth. I believe there is a TV company who filmed me without my permission may edit the footage to make me look bad, misrepresent what I say without hearing my full context, look a fool or in a way that it benefits them and not me. They should have stopped recording me when I was screaming “STOP” in 2022 (I bet that footage wasn't shown). If it hasn't stopped, it needs to stop now and I get compensated.
2. It was also revealed to me that Jesus Christ took the blame for being tortured and crucified. At one point he said “My God my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was saying, “God, why have you let me down?” That left Jesus taking the blame for choosing to go ahead with spreading the good news about the kingdom.
Both Jesus and I had pride before our fall. Jesus and I both had the kingdom of heavens good news as our pride and joy. As many people did not want it and preferred to stay in the matrix mental slavery, they chose instead to mock us and have us traumatized instead of helping us. Noone came to me and told me what was really going on. The mental torture was insane.
3. Also I was shown that even God, the creator of humans blamed himself for creating us. He then chose to wipe out all humans apart from Noah and his family.
The bible says:
Genesis 6: 5-7
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”
So when some people, or God, goes out to do the right thing, not realizing that the very people they are trying to help choose to be evil and not helpful, the good people who wanted a good change to happen end up taking the blame. Their intentions were good but many people couldn't see the greater vision.
So for me sharing what I know with people, which ended up with me being poor with no money, I blame myself. Noone came to me personally to my face to speak to me or to offer to help me even though I sacrificed myself to help as many people as I could with the knowledge that I have. Instead of coming to me and help me heal from my traumatized state, they would rather look on and lie to me and gaslight me. That was evil on a level I cannot explain in words. I had to talk to myself and make myself laugh to get through the mental pain.
Even though I am poor materially at this present moment my inner energy and spirit is that of a multi-trillionaire.
It will now take a miracle for my life to change for the better. I deserve the best on this planet. It's time for me to be blessed beyond my wildest imagination.
UK Music Producer
All Rights Reserved | Peter Hutchinson
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4. ATP Self Development - A process that has changed lives instantly!
The words in these free leaflets are for all nations and colours across the world.
At last, a flag for people who want to live
in peace with other people of different colours
Unity begins here!