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When People Want to Control the God In You

K STONE • 18 June 2023

A revelation was given to me while I have been going through a stressful situation since 2022.

I was shown to write these words down:

1. People lie to me but then expect me to do what they want me to do (read that again).

2. They laugh and mock me then expect me to listen to them.

3. When friends are in need of an answer they ask me then get their answer.

4. When some are sick they want me to pray to heal them.

5. When people prospered and had fun and enjoyed entertainment in my name, they left me out.

6. When they realized that they messed up they want me in their life again.

7. As bad as things were for me I sent forgiveness and love to those who mocked me and hated me.

8. They judged me and pulled apart my life and put me under scrutiny.

9. In the end they realized how incredible I am for standing against all odds.

10. Sometimes I do not need to speak but still many people are filled with joy because of me.

11. Those who disrespected me and laughed at me had the chance to put things right but they didn't, so now they can face karma.

12. Those that are faithful to me to the end are welcome in my presence.

I then realized why I had to experience what is listed from 1-12.

This is how humans have treated God for years.

Now read this. I have replaced it being about God and not about me.

1. People lie to God but then expect him to do what they want him to do (read that again).

2. They laugh and mock God then expect him to listen to them.

3. When they are in need of an answer they ask God then get their answer.

4. When they are sick they want God to heal them.

5. When they prospered and had fun and enjoyed entertainment on God's planet, they left God out.

6. When they realized that they messed up they want God in their life again.

7. As bad as things were between the union with God and man God still sent forgiveness and love to those who mocked him and hated him.

8. They judged him and pulled him apart and put him under scrutiny.

9. In the end they realized how incredible he is.

10. Sometimes he does not need to speak but still many people are filled with joy because of him.

11. Those who disrespected God and laughed at him had the chance to put things right but they didn't, so now they can face their karma.

12. Those that were faithful to God to the end are welcome in his presence.

I have realized over the years, every time something is given to me to write, it is for a specific time. Maybe this was revealed now because it's time all who are to receive their karma is to get it now and those who are to receive blessings and rewards are to get what they deserve now.

I was about to end this post here but then I realized the following:

It's the new moon in June today = new cycle in life.

It's Father's Day today in the UK = It's a day to be reminded about Father God.

Is this a coincidence that the words in this post are posted on this specific day? I was not expecting this revelation to fall in line with a new cycle and on Fathers Day, and this post being about Father God.


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