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I Don’t Know What Else To Do

K STONE • 14 July 2022

Today I asked the other dimension:

Why does so much evil and unfair treatment happen to me?

Why have people blocked me from making money for years?

Why do I not get paid royalties for my music?

Why do I not get paid for the pictures for sale that I created to help people?

Why do people hack my phone and have my website compromised?

Why do people keep setting me up?

Why do I get so many hits on my Contact page but no emails come through to me even though I definitely know one was supposed to come through? There were no faults sending messages through the contact form (I have removed the contact form now and replaced it with an email)

Why do people think I am rich and keep short changing me in shops?

I haven’t got any money. I was even told that a member of a cult put a spell on me not to be able to make money.

Even with the leaflets, I paid to have all the leaflets printed myself. No-one has ever helped me pay the printing company to get the leaflets printed even though I have next to no money.

Why does my lung condition not improve but make me really weak at times?

I kept on going to obey what the other dimension told me to do to help people but I suffer.

I’ve done enough now.

If the things I have been through have helped you, then I have done my job.

I’m tired of suffering.

Who are they that have blocked me from making money for years?

Never give anyone money to give to me. Only deal directly with me. People only started using my name to get money from people because I got ill. They would have never done it if I was 100% healthy or else I would have kicked their head off their shoulders.

Never give anyone a message to give to me. I will never get the message because too many people are jealous of me.

This is all insane. I’m sure many of you would have given up by now.

I’m trying to recover from a mental breakdown at the same time I get mocked at the petrol station by someone I know.


The answer I got from the other dimension was, “The answer is bigger than you think.”

I don’t know what else to do.


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